How to Check Engine Oil Level

Have you ever wondered  How to Check Engine Oil Level is done?

Oil is vital for your car’s engine health.

Regularly ensuring an adequate oil level is crucial to prevent major engine damage and expensive repairs.

This is especially true for older vehicles with over 100,000 miles, as engine wear may lead to oil burn-off and leaks.

Checking your oil weekly for a month helps determine the depletion rate, allowing you to adjust the frequency to once a month afterward.

An image illustration of How to Check Engine Oil Level
How to Check Engine Oil Level
Source: (car-motor-oil)

Step 1: Get Ready to Check

Ensure your vehicle is parked on a flat surface, the engine off, in Park (or a lower gear for manual transmission), and the parking brake engaged.

Lift the hood, consulting your owner’s manual if needed.

Locate the hood-release lever and release the safety catch under the front edge.

Step 2: Find the Dipstick

Look for the dipstick with its distinct colored handle, often yellow or orange, marked with an oil-can symbol.

Step 3: Pull and Wipe

Pull the dipstick fully from its housing, like drawing a sword from a sheath.

Wipe any oil off with a rag.

Note the two lines or markings on the dipstick: the lower one means the oil is one quart low, and the upper line indicates a full crankcase.

Step 4: Check Oil Level

Insert the dipstick back into the tube, push it down, and pull it out.

Examine the tip for oil. If the level is between the two lines, your vehicle has sufficient oil.

If it’s at or below the low mark, it’s time to add a quart.

An image illustration of Checking Engine Oil Level
Checking Engine Oil Level
Source: (Wikihow)

Step 5: Wait and Reassess

After adding oil, wait a few minutes for it to drain into the crankcase. Check the level again; it should be between the high and low marks.

Remember, it doesn’t have to reach the high mark for the engine to run safely.


Regularly checking your engine oil level is a simple yet essential aspect of vehicle maintenance.

This straightforward process, involving steps such as locating the dipstick, pulling and wiping it, and assessing the oil level, can significantly contribute to the longevity and performance of your engine.

By adhering to this routine, you ensure that your vehicle has adequate lubrication, preventing potential damage and extending the overall lifespan of your engine.

This proactive approach to monitoring oil levels is a small investment of time that pays off in the form of enhanced engine health, reduced repair costs, and a smoother, more reliable driving experience.

How to Check Engine Oil Level (FAQs)

  1.  How often should I check my engine oil level?
    • It is recommended to check your engine oil level at least once a month, or more frequently if you have an older vehicle or notice any signs of oil consumption. Regular checks help maintain optimal engine performance and prevent potential damage.
  2.  Can I check the engine oil level when the engine is hot?
    • It’s generally best to check the engine oil when the engine is cool to get an accurate reading. Wait a few minutes after turning off the engine to allow the oil to settle in the crankcase. Checking the oil when it’s hot may result in a less accurate reading due to the oil’s thermal expansion.


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